Student Organizations
The University of Evansville Psychology Department sponsors the activities of two student organizations, Psi Chi and Psychology Club.
Psi Chi is the national honor society for psychology students. It is sponsored by the American Psychological Association, the largest organization of psychologists, largely clinical psychologists, in the United States. Students are initiated in a formal ceremony every year. Membership is based upon academic performance and participation. The Psi Chi Chapter at the University of Evansville was founded in 1964 by the late Dr. Delbert Sampson, Professor Emeritus, who has endowed a scholarship for Psi Chi students.
For students who are not members of Psi Chi, who wish to participate in psychology student activities, the department sponsors Psychology Club, which is affiliated with the Association for Psychological Science, a national organization largely of psychological professors and researchers.
Generally, Psi Chi and Psychology Club work together on activities. Both sponsor our "Getting into Graduate School" program every fall. Other programs are mentoring by senior students of freshman and sophomore students with regard to the departmental psychology program, dinners in the fall and spring honoring graduating seniors, fund-raisers for the local children's psychiatric hospital, and speakers on careers scientific issues in Psychology.
The purposes of Psi Chi and Psychology Club are to further understanding of scientific issues in Psychology, to assist students in learning about psychology careers, and to encourage social interaction and camaraderie among our majors.
Office Phone
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Office Location
Room 217, Hyde Hall