Course Offerings
- CHEM-100 Fundamentals of Chemistry (4 credits)
- Includes historical development of some fundamental concepts illustrating methodology and experimental basis of chemistry. Examines impact of chemistry on modern society. Credit may not be applied to science majors. Intended for students with little or no chemistry background. Three hours lecture, two hours lab. Fall.
- CHEM-100L Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab (0 credits)
- Includes historical development of some fundamental concepts illustrating methodology and experimental basis of chemistry. Examines impact of chemistry on modern society. Credit may not be applied to science majors. Intended for students with little or no chemistry background. Three hours lecture, two hours lab. Fall.
- CHEM-103 The Chemistry of Adult Beverages (3 credits)
- Introduction to the chemical principles of adult beverages. Fundamental themes of chemistry and biochemistry will be introduced by examining the processes and production of adult beverages. Critical historical and cultural themes will also be explored.
- CHEM-108 Elementary Chemistry (4 credits)
- Considers fundamental concepts of chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry and their applications in science, technology, and society. Three hours lecture; two hours lab. Prerequisite: Chemistry 100 or two semesters of high school chemistry. Spring.
- CHEM-108L Elementary Chemistry Lab (0 credits)
- Considers fundamental concepts of chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry and their applications in science, technology, and society. Three hours lecture; two hours lab. Prerequisite: Chemistry 100 or two semesters of high school chemistry. Spring.
- CHEM-118 Principles of Chemistry (4 credits)
- Covers principles of stoichiometry, chemical bonding and structure, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, and kinetics. Three hours lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisite: Two semesters of high school chemistry. Fall, spring.
- CHEM-118L Principles of Chemistry Lab (0 credits)
- Covers principles of stoichiometry, chemical bonding and structure, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, and kinetics. Three hours lecture, two hours lab. Prerequisite: Two semesters of high school chemistry. Fall, spring.
- CHEM-195 Introduction to Chemical Research (1-3 credits)
- Participation in a directed research project. Prerequisites: CHEM 118; permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
- CHEM-1ENGR Chem Transfer - Engr Requirement (4-5 credits)
- Transfer Chemistry course to satisfy CHEM-118 requirement for Engineering majors only.
- CHEM-201 Chemistry Seminar Attendance (0 credits)
- CHEM-240 Organic Chemistry I (4 credits)
- Introduction to the structure, nomenclature, and chemistry of carbon compounds. Covers all major functional group classes and their simple characteristic reactions. Introduces mechanistic considerations as a basis for understanding reactions. Laboratory includes basic techniques, simple reactions, and qualitative analysis. Three hours lecture, three hours lab. Prerequisite: CHEM 118 with a grade of C- or better. Spring.
- CHEM-240L Organic Chemistry I Lab (0 credits)
- Introduction to the structure, nomenclature, and chemistry of carbon compounds. Covers all major functional group classes and their simple characteristic reactions. Introduces mechanistic considerations as a basis for understanding reactions. Laboratory includes basic techniques, simple reactions, and qualitative analysis. Three hours lecture, three hours lab. Prerequisite: Chemistry 118 with a grade of C- or better. Spring.
- CHEM-280 Inorganic Chemistry I (4 credits)
- An introduction to the inorganic chemistry of metallic and nonmetallic elements with special attention given to the applied industrial and biochemical uses of their compounds. Surveys the behavior of selected elements and coordination compounds. Three hours lecture, three hours lab. Prerequisite: CHEM 240 with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor. Spring.
- CHEM-280L Inorganic Chemistry I Lab (0 credits)
- An introduction to the inorganic chemistry of metallic and nonmetallic elements with special attention given to the applied industrial and biochemical uses of their compounds. Surveys the behavior of selected elements and coordination compounds. Three hours lecture, three hours lab. Prerequisite: Chemistry 240 with a grade of C or better or permission of instructor. Spring.
- CHEM-299 Special Topics in Chemistry (1-4 credits)
- Lecture, discussion, or lab course devoted to a topic not covered in regular chemistry course offerings. Topics vary depending on interests of faculty and students. May be repeated. Prerequisites announced when course scheduled. Fall, spring.
- CHEM-301 Chemistry Seminar Attendance (0 credits)
- CHEM-341 Organic Chemistry II (5 credits)
- Studies the reactions of organic and bioorganic molecules organized around mechanistic principles. Introduces multistep syntheses and synthetic strategies. Laboratory includes studies of reactions, synthesis, and identification of compounds. Four hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisite: CHEM 240 with a grade of C- or better. Fall.
- CHEM-341L Organic Chemistry II Lab (0 credits)
- Studies the reactions of organic and bioorganic molecules organized around mechanistic principles. Introduces multistep syntheses and synthetic strategies. Laboratory includes studies of reactions, synthesis, and identification of compounds. Four hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisite: Chemistry 240 with a grade of C- or better. Fall.
- CHEM-351 Physical Chemistry I (4 credits)
- Introduction to thermodynamics and chemical kinetics as applied to the states of matter, chemical reactions, and chemical equilibria. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: CHEM 280; MATH 222; PHYS 121 or 210. Fall.
- CHEM-351L Physical Chemistry I Lab (0 credits)
- Introduction to thermodynamics and chemical kinetics as applied to the states of matter, chemical reactions, and chemical equilibria. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: Chemistry 280; Mathematics 222; Physics 121 or 210. Fall.
- CHEM-360 Quantitative Analysis (4 credits)
- Studies fundamental principles of chemical analysis and their application. Topics include data handling, chemical equilibrium, gravimetric and volumetric analysis, and certain instrumental methods of analysis. Laboratory experiments illustrate realistic examples of chemical analysis. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisite: CHEM 240 or 280 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor. Fall.
- CHEM-360L Quantitative Analysis Lab (0 credits)
- Studies fundamental principles of chemical analysis and their application. Topics include data handling, chemical equilibrium, gravimetric and volumetric analysis, and certain instrumental methods of analysis. Laboratory experiments illustrate realistic examples of chemical analysis. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisite: Chemistry 240 or 280 with a grade of C- or better, or permission of instructor. Fall.
- CHEM-370 Biochemistry I (3 credits)
- An introduction to biologically important molecules and their role in biological systems at a cellular level. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: CHEM 341. Fall.
- CHEM-371 Biochemistry I Lab (1 credit)
- An introduction to important basic techniques used in the biochemistry laboratory. Four hours laboratory. Fall.
- CHEM-452 Physical Chemistry II (4 credits)
- Introduction to quantum theory and statistical thermodynamics. Emphasis on the study of the structure of small molecules using visible, infrared, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: CHEM 351; MATH 323; PHYS 122 or 211. Spring.
- CHEM-452L Physical Chemistry II Lab (0 credits)
- Introduction to quantum theory and statistical thermodynamics. Emphasis on the study of the structure of small molecules using visible, infrared, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: Chemistry 351; Mathematics 323; Physics 122 or 211. Spring.
- CHEM-461 Instrumental Analysis (4 credits)
- Studies modern methods of instrumental analysis. Topics include electronics in instrumentation, spectroscopic methods of analysis, and separation science. Laboratory experiments provide experience with instrumental design and operation. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: CHEM 341, 351, 360. Spring.
- CHEM-461L Instrumental Analysis Lab (0 credits)
- Studies modern methods of instrumental analysis. Topics include electronics in instrumentation, spectroscopic methods of analysis, and separation science. Laboratory experiments provide experience with instrumental design and operation. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: Chemistry 341, 351, 360. Recommended: Chemistry 452. Spring.
- CHEM-473 Biochemistry II (3 credits)
- A discussion of advanced topics includes biologically important compounds and their role in biological systems at a cellular level. Three hours lecture. Prerequisites: CHEM 280, 360, 370 with grades of C- or better. Spring.
- CHEM-474 Biochemistry II Lab (1 credit)
- An introduction to advanced techniques used in the biochemistry laboratory. Four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: CHEM 370 and 371 with grades of C- or better, must be taken concurrently with CHEM 473. Spring.
- CHEM-483 Inorganic Chemistry II (4 credits)
- Surveys classical and contemporary approaches to the study of molecular structure, chemical bonding, spectra, acid-base chemistry, the solid state, and coordination compounds. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: CHEM 341, 351, 360. Fall.
- CHEM-483L Inorganic Chemistry II Lab (0 credits)
- Surveys classical and contemporary approaches to the study of molecular structure, chemical bonding, spectra, acid-base chemistry, the solid state, and coordination compounds. Three hours lecture, four hours lab. Prerequisites: Chemistry 341, 351, 360. Fall.
- CHEM-493 Short Topics in Advanced Chemistry (1-3 credits)
- Each 4 1/2 week section explores an advanced topic in chemistry. Topics vary, depending on interests of faculty and students. May be offered with or without lab. Fourteen class hours, four lab periods if lab is offered. Prerequisites: Vary but generally include several upperlevel chemistry courses. Fall, spring.
- CHEM-495 Research (1-2 credits)
- Involves participation in and completion of an individual research project under the direction of a faculty member. Requires written and oral report of the literature search and laboratory work. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Fall, spring.
- CHEM-498 Internship in Chemistry or Biochemistry (1-6 credits)
- Supervised and structured assignment in a workplace or similar setting where student works with chemical or biochemical professionals and gains practical experience in a position related to a specific area of career interest. Internship arranged in advance by the student, the site supervisor and the faculty supervisor. Prerequisites: Completion of at least eight hours of college chemistry courses; permission of faculty advisor and faculty internship supervisor. Fall, spring, summer.
- CHEM-499 Chemistry Senior Capstone (3 credits)
- Required of all senior chemistry and biochemistry majors. Serves as a senior capstone for students majoring in chemistry/biochemistry. Involves individual and group writing projects and oral presentations, a review of chemistry course material, and oral and written assessment of student knowledge in chemistry.
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Room 327, Koch Center for Engineering and Science