Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Prepare for a rewarding career in an industry on the rise worldwide.
The University of Evansville’s Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) program teaches students how to plan, control, and manage the flow of goods, services, and information at all points in the supply chain. LSCM touches on manufacturing, transportation, trucking, warehouse management, shipping and delivery. Potential career options can range from related healthcare, consulting, sales, analytics, finance and accounting disciplines.
What makes our LSCM program distinctive?
Connect: We connect you early and often to LSCM companies and leaders.
- Interact with LSCM professionals at Conexus Indiana career events.
- Meet LSCM executives at on-campus events and through tours of international organizations.
Rigor: We provide you the academic rigor you will need to be a successful LSCM professional.
- Learn SAP University Alliance as the information technology software for LSCM.
- Opportunities are available to compete in Conexus Indiana’s statewide Logistics Case Competition.
- Study Advanced Logistics Management, E-Logistics, Global Logistics, and Supply Chain Management, among other courses from our talented faculty.
Experience: We provide you opportunities to transform you into a future LSCM professional.
- All LSCM Students will complete at least one internship.
- Take advantage of our Center for Logistics and Supply Chain Management which houses a number of student experiential programs.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Major
This degree requires completion of 124 semester hours, allocated as follows:
General Education – 38 hours: including Quantitative Methods 227, Management 497
Common Core – 45 hours: The purpose of the common core is to provide students with careful preparation in the fundamental tools of decision making and leadership. All Schroeder School of Business Students complete the following courses: Accounting 210, 211; Business 100, 200, 398, 400; Economics 101,102; Finance 361; Logistics/Supply Chain Management 315; Law 201; Management 311, 331, 377; Marketing 325; Quantitative Methods 160.
LSCM Major – 18 hours: Required LSCM 320, 330; Four or more courses selected from the following LSCM 340, 350, 360, 370, 380, 390; May substitute two 300/400 level courses (6 hours) with a prefix of ACCT, BUS, ECON, LAW, LSCM, MGT, MKT or QM.
Free Electives – approximately 23 hours to total 124.
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Office Location
Room 152, Schroeder School of Business Building